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1960s | IBM has 70 to 80% of the world's harware and software market, and invents the notion of series of compatible computers. |
1965 | DEC manufactures the first mini-computers. |
1969 | First version of the Unix operating system. |
1971 | Intel sells the first microprocessors. |
1973 | The first micro-computers. |
1981 | IBM lauches the Personal Computer (PC) and makes micro-computers respectable. It's operating system is Microsoft MS/DOS. |
1984 | Apple launches the Macintosh, with the first general public graphical user interface. |
1984 | Beginning of the GNU project. |
1990 | Windows 3.0. |
1991 | The development of Linux begins. |
1994 | Version 1.0 of Linux. |
1998 | Open Source Initiative. |