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The Magic Cauldron
- Difference between use-value, and sales-value of software:
- Most software has zero sales-value, as it is customized for some specific use.
- Maintenance accounts for about 75% of the cost of a piece of software.
- Economic models:
- Use-value funding models
- Cost-Sharing (Apache)
- Risk-Spreading (Cisco)
- Indirect sale-value models
- Loss-Leader/Market Positioner
- Widget Frosting
- Give Away the Recipe, Open a Restaurant
- Accessorizing
- Free the Future, Sell the Present
- Free the Software, Sell the Brand
- Free the Software, Sell the Content
- Use-value funding models
- Towards a Free infrastructure, and new niches constantly opening up at the upper (application) end.
- The Magic Cauldron, Eric S. Raymond - http://www.catb.org/~esr/writings/cathedral-bazaar/magic-cauldron/